Yesterday, a potential vendor stood up our whole office for lunch. No apology. No email or call to cancel. No nothin’. He’d set up the lunch-and-learn with us two months ago. But he didn’t show up. I know. No big deal, right? We all got our own lunches and went on with our usual business. […]
Are you letting your marketing go to the dogs…?
Yesterday, we started looking for a new dog. And we found it’s not an easy thing. Here’s the story… Six weeks ago, we said goodbye to our German Shepherd, Dag. He was 11 years old and, despite other claims out there, he actually was the best dog in the world. Don’t believe me? Dag was […]
“Strive to do the deeds…”
The walls of my office are lined with books. Some are books on architecture and art. But most of the shelves are filled with books on business, marketing and copywriting. But I’ve still got a small section devoted to self-improvement and inspirational books. Words to lift me up and guide me when I need that […]
“Tear it ALL down and start over…”
This past weekend, I took a guided tour of a farm that’s been set up as a “CRP.” (I’ll explain what that means in a moment…) Now, I’ll be honest. Even though I’ve lived in the Midwest my whole life, I know very little about farms or the country. I’m just a city boy. But this unexpected […]
Reading Neil’s emails is like washing your face…
From: 5,000 feet due west of the South Skunk River Friday, 6:30 a.m. “My way of learning is to heave a wild and unpredictable monkey-wrench into the machinery.” — Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon So, the other day I read this article about why you should wash your face every night. No, I don’t wear […]