In yesterday’s post, you started looking at ways to effectively kill your bloated marketing budget. I told you about my concerns for our building industry and the state of building product manufacturers’ marketing strategies. Then started to list some proven methods you can start using to kill off that pesky marketing budget so nicely your […]
Great Ways to ‘Murd-alize’ Your Marketing Budget
It was almost exactly six years ago, sitting here at this very desk. That’s when the fog cleared and I started seeing things differently. That’s when I started learning about marketing and copywriting. And that’s when I started to worry about the state of the building industry… It’s happened before, you know? About a quarter […]
Dining with architects… Are you targeted the wrong ones for your lunch & learns?
Catering lunch & learns can get pretty expensive pretty quickly. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re reaching the right people to YOUR lunch & learn. A short story about a guy who annoyed me, …made me apologize to 25 co-workers …and taught me a pretty good marketing lesson I’ll pass on […]
Remind me again… What is it you can do for me?
It happened this past January, here in the middle of Iowa… The highways were a bit ice-packed and a “towing ban” was in effect. (If you’re lucky enough to not know the term, that means if your car stalls or goes off the road, you’re stuck. Tow trucks can’t help you out.) Anyway, there I […]
About your email follow-up… Do you do it weekly? (very weakly?)
Yes, it’s true. I want you to follow up with me. No. I need you to follow up. I’m too busy for you not to. “OK – That makes NO sense, Neil.” No? Here’s what I’m trying to say… If I’m too busy = I won’t consume Let’s say you create a helpful guide, white paper, […]