Here’s something that’s always amazed me… (…And it’s the perfect opportunity for you to get your foot in the door on every project out there.) It’s how insufficient a lot of substitution requests are. The ones coming through during a building project’s bidding phase. Or during construction. I’d understand if the specifications weren’t perfect. Or […]
A marketing to architects primer for the “Uninitiated”
About 18 months ago, I wrote a guest post for another marketing blog. It was a rather meaty post. About 2,200 words. The post lays out nine simple steps you can take to start building your network of architects. Connections who look to you as their go-to expert on your building products. Notice I said […]
The magical word you need to start using today
A little while ago, I learned a new word: “Nomophobia.” According to the researchers at my alma mater, Iowa State University, it’s the fear of being without a mobile phone. (Gasp! A cold sweat just ran down my spine just thinking about it…) I’ll freely admit I suffer from this fear. If my left hand […]
This Post Contains a Powerful Writing Tip…
5,500 words per week. That’s what my word count software tells me I’m writing on average. That’s around 250,000 words per year. You might not have that high of a number. But I’ll bet you write a lot more than you realize. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure all your writing is as good […]
What are YOU thinkin’…?
From: Just west of the South Skunk River Monday, 6:30 a.m. “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” — Jack London There once was a monk who entered a monastery and took a vow of silence: he’s allowed to say two words every seven years. After the first […]