Years ago, I read a great article about the art of putting together a set of construction documents. (I wish I could still find it, but Google and I failed this time around…)
Whatever. The point of the article was a quality set of drawings can influence the care a builder puts into the construction.
I was skeptical at first. But as I read it again, it made sense.
The author compared a poor set of drawings to a well-detailed set.
Making the point that one showed a lot more care and knowledge of the actual building process. This leads to the builder putting similar care into his craftsmanship.
Knowing his work would be overseen by a keen eye.
It can build a trust and kinship between two professionals who value a job well-done.
Compare that to a slapdash set of drawings with few details. This set would communicate lack of care or attention to detail.
The average builder could then feel it’s okay to take a few shortcuts. The intent isn’t very clear, so he’s left to his best judgment. (Which is usually the easiest, cheapest route….)
With design-assist services available from product manufacturers, there’s no excuse for bad drawings. Help is a phone call away.
So, what’s this mean to you, dear reader?
Let’s take a look at your website…
What’s it communicating to an architect looking for a new product to use on his or her next building?
Does your website look clean and clear? Letting me know each step I need to take to get my questions answered? Positioning you as the resource I can turn to now and in the future?
Or is it an outdated, chaotic mess? Leaving me more confused than when I started searching?
When it comes to architects — if you confuse us, we’re out of there.
We’re usually juggling at least another 50 to 100 decisions on our project for that day. And if your not helping solve my problem, I’ll find someone who can.
Harsh, but true.
And your website (like it or not), is usually the first portal into your company’s world. It’s a lot faster and easier than a phone call or waiting for an office visit.
That’s why it’s SO critical your website is an effective part of your sales and marketing strategy.
It has to communicate craftsmanship. It has to show me you know your stuff. It has to build trust before you even get to talk to me.
And that’s why you need to take a hard look the pages of your website. Individually, and as a whole.
To make sure each page flows together to help guide your website visitors to the right solution.
How can you do that with everything else you have going on?
Fear not. That’s why you have me in your back pocket.
We can go through your website and put together your road map for how to get it working better for you.
Reach out and let me know you’re ready for the Website Content Analysis. I’ll make sure your pages meet the “5 C’s of content” every web page should have.
Make it a great marketing day!
Neil Sutton