I’m sure we’ve talked about this before, but it bears repeating…
Before you start writing any of your marketing messages, you have GOT to get into the mindset of your prospect.
Bow your head and weep for that poor, helpless soul. Schlepping through life without your product or service to light his way…
Think about your prospect’s problems for a while. Then you can start writing…
Starting with sympathy…
Today I was listening to a podcast with the legendary copywriter, John Carlton. He was talking about a technique some copywriters use to prepare to write. It’s called “stalking the desk.”
It’s all about psyching yourself up to assemble compelling, persuasive sentences and paragraphs.
Thinking about your prospect and his plight. And what it’s going to take to convince him or her that what you’re offering is the solution to their problems.
So, imagine your desk – where your computer or pad and pencil are setting. You want to figuratively (or literally, if it helps) circle your desk as you put yourself in their shoes.
If you’re a building product marketer, you’re thinking about the biggest design or constructability problem your product solves for the architect or contractor.
If you’re a service provider, you’re thinking through their day-to-day struggles you can step in and help solve for them.
Don’t hold back!
If you’ve been doing your research… Following the tips and steps I’ve been laying out in my emails and blog posts… You should be getting a stronger feeling for these things.
Write them down. Internalize them. You should be in love with your product or service. so now you just need to get those feelings into words to convince your prospect.
And if you have a hard time getting those words out. That’s when you need a high-quality copywriter.
Someone who will take the time to get to know & love your product or service as well as you do. And help you simplify and write out those words for you.
Nobody will ever be as qualified to sell your product or service as you are.
But a great copywriter will do everything possible to get in your skin to see your prospect’s aches and pains. As well as those of your prospect’s clients, and their client’s customers, and so on.
And with all those layers deconstructed and properly laid out, that copywriter will help you reassemble into a message that resonates.
If you’d like to see if we’d be a good fit to work together to assemble some great marketing copy for you. Hit me up on the Contact Form and let’s talk.
Until next time…
Make it a great marketing day!
Neil Sutton