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Today, I’ll show how you can use market segmentation to make your marketing hit harder. How it’ll get architects to specify your products, like their project’s success depends on it.
This can help you:
- Get the right architects knocking on your door without burning cash on tire kickers
- Write messages that make architects feel like you’re reading their minds
- Turn your marketing budget into a money-making machine
And if you play your cards right, you can become the “architect whisperer” in your niche.
Let’s dive in!
1) Find your starving crowd of architects
Now, the big mistake most building product reps make is trying to be all things to all architects. They end up being nothing to nobody.
Don’t fall into that trap.
If you want to make your marketing work, find a group of architects desperate for what you’re selling.
They’re what the late, great copywriter Gary Halbert called your “starving crowd.”
Here’s a perfect example:
Let’s say Decibel Dan sells high-end acoustic panels.
Instead of trying to sell to every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a drafting table, Dan found his starving crowd. He zeroed in on architects designing recording studios and concert halls. These guys were pulling their hair out to get the acoustics right.
Our man, Dan, can swoop in with his fancy panels and become their hero overnight.
Riches are in the niches. Find a specific group of architects with a burning problem and become the go-to solution.
[💡: This doesn’t mean these are the only project types you work on. But you use this strategy to focus your marketing energy & resources.]
Now that you’ve got your hungry crowd let’s talk about how to get inside their heads.
2) Become a detective and dig up the dirt
12 years ago, I began studying marketing and copywriting. That’s when I decided to help product manufacturers sell better to architects. I figured I knew what other architects wanted.
By then, I’d been an architect working for a big firm on big projects around the US & Canada for 15 years. So other architects just want the same thing from building products as me, right?
Boy, was I wrong!
That’s when I learned the power & importance of good old-fashioned research. [Plus, it helped that the big firm’s lay-offs led to me working at a mid-sized firm and now a small firm. So, I learned more about the needs of different firm sizes.]
If you’re starting from scratch today, always start with research. Dig through industry reports. Stalk architects on social media (in a cool way). Buy them drinks at conferences to pick their brains.
This detective work is pure gold for your marketing.
For instance:
Let’s say Terra Tina sells sustainable building materials.
She starts digging. Her research shows that her starving crowd of architects can’t meet new green building codes. So, Tina can tailor her marketing to this pain point. Then, she’ll land many more specs and projects.
Don’t sweat it if you’re starting with limited info. Even a little dirt can give you an edge.
Keep your ear to the ground. Set up Google Alerts for key industry terms. Regularly chat with your top architect clients. It’s amazing what people will tell you if you just ask.
Here’s an interesting tip:
Consider hiring an architect part-time as your inside man.
They can give you the scoop on what’s happening in firms. Yes, it’s an expense, but the insights can be worth their weight in gold. [Gee— I sure wish I had a good recommendation on where you could find one of those. Oh well! I’ll think of something by the time you get to the P.S. below.]
I know every situation is different, but give it some serious thought.
Now, let’s see how to turn this stuff into marketing that grabs your architect’s attention.
3: Write copy that makes architects salivate
Here’s how to turn your research into marketing messages that’ll have your ideal architects eating out of your hand.
The biggest mistake I see is product reps writing copy that puts architects to sleep faster than zoning ordinances. That’s a one-way ticket to the trash can, my friend.
Here’s your three-step plan to write copy that architects can’t resist:
- Lead with their biggest problem (the one that keeps them up at night)
- Show them you understand their pain (prove you’ve walked a mile )
- Offer your product as the solution (but focus on the benefits, not the features)
Trust me, this formula works like gangbusters. I’ve experienced it turning my head many times. And I’ve seen it do the same for my colleagues.
If you’re interested, here’s a copywriting cheat sheet you can print & use with a handful of other copywriting tips.
The secret sauce here is specificity. Don’t just say your windows are energy-efficient. Tell them how much they’ll save on a typical 10-story office building over five years.
Give them ammunition to justify specifying your product for their clients.
Now, let’s wrap this up:
- Find your starving crowd of architects who desperately need what you’re selling.
- Do your homework and learn everything you can about these architects.
- Write copy that speaks directly to their biggest pains and desires.
Remember, in this game, the riches are in the niches. Narrow your focus, deepen your understanding, and watch your sales soar.
Now get out there, segment your list, and make those architects an offer they can’t refuse!
That’s all for today!
Cheers to building more than just buildings, and see you next week.
P.S. Want to really get inside an architect’s head?
When you’re ready, here are 2 ways you can work with me:
- Product reps: If you’re serious about getting better at connecting with architects — Book a 1-on-1 call with me.
- Business owners or Sales Team Leaders: Book an Architect Connections Training Call for you and your team
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